
Insider Loans

The Insider Loans policy and procedure guide outlines the requirements of Regulation O and includes details regarding oversight responsibilities, risk management strategies and reporting requirements. This guide includes the identification of who qualifies as an insider, the determination of the dollar amounts available to lend to individual insiders and insiders in aggregate, applying the same credit standards and terms as available to all consumers, and compliance with reporting requirements.


The AllRegs® Insider Loans Policy and Procedure Guide assists financial institutions in ensuring that credit extended to an insider is made on substantially the same terms, using credit underwriting procedures that are at least as stringent as, credit extended to non-insiders.

The Insider Loans Guide addresses the following topics:

  • Risks associated with insider lending
  • Board and management responsibilities
  • Annual survey to identify insiders
  • Extensions of credit
  • Reporting and public disclosure
  • Correspondent banking relationship reporting
  • Acceptance of items of value
  • Record retention


The guide features the following benefits:

  • Supports strong operational practices and preparedness
  • Explains roles and responsibilities
  • Explains what to expect and how to work with auditors
  • Provides practical guidance for managing the audit process from within
  • Features an audit tracking spreadsheet as an optional tool

Optional Services

Maintenance: Receive regular and ongoing industry updates to keep your guide within regulatory requirements.

Publishing: Publish your guide, including your company procedures, in AllRegs Online.

Contact your account manager for information regarding these optional services!

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